The most impactful way we ask families for support is through the power of prayer. We are deeply thankful for the great work that God has done through CCA in recent years, and we recognize that any enduring spiritual fruit is the result of God’s grace and faithfulness. CCA has many wonderful opportunities and challenging decisions ahead. For these, we need God’s

Thankfully, God is eager to help His people. When we need wisdom, God encourages us to ask (James 1:5). When we have burdens and anxieties, God encourages us to cast them on Him in prayer (1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6-7). When we’re facing obstacles or enemies, God encourages us to seek His assistance (Psalm 50:15). We are grateful for the continued prayers for discernment and wisdom as CCA continues to grow.

Crossroads Christian Academy strives to provide a rigorous academic education with a biblical worldview, and encourages any family interested in attending to apply regardless of their financial standing.

One way the the school is able to provide scholarship support is through the generosity of private donors. Donations can be earmarked specifically for scholarship or can be used for general expenses. Donations can be accepted via a mailed check or sent electronically through Square, Venmo, or other arrangements.

Support can also come by way of donating volunteer time, skilled talent, or in-kind contributions. Please contact the school office for more information. Education at CCA is a partnership between the school and the families, and we encourage each family to support our mission with their time, talents, and if possible, their finances.